Zhoushan Small Hall Renovation_舟山花鸟岛小礼堂改建


Small Hall Renovation on Huaniao Island,Zhoushan City,China


项目场地有巨大的高差,如何有效的联络上下场地是我们思考的重点。项目灵感源自艺术家Christo and Jeanne-Claude的临时装置"漂浮的码头"(Floating Piers),我们也希望借此橙色的景观路径能重新定义我们的空间感知和与环境互动的方式,并有效的整合现有巨大高差的场地,同时也在这个小环境中重新创造了一种“有序”,能让散落的展览馆和展览场地有序的整合在一起。

Our focal point in this project was to effectively connect the elevated and lower parts of the site, which presented significant level differences. The inspiration for the project stems from the temporary installation “Floating Piers” by artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Through this landscape pathway in orange, we aim to redefine our perception of space and interaction with the environment. Simultaneously, we seek to seamlessly integrate the existing substantial level variations of the site. Furthermore, within this small-scale environment, we aim to create a sense of “order” that allows the scattered exhibition pavilions and exhibition spaces to harmoniously come together